In my world - yes it is! But more often than not, the use of the word 'enjoy' has a slightly different context.
Funerals are our last and final chance to say goodbye. They have the potential to create new memories that stay with us for our lifetime. Done badly - and they become a draining echo.
It's not unusual for mourners to come up to me after a service, to say how much they enjoyed it. Sometimes they feel inwardly apologetic for the use of the word 'enjoy'. Other times I see them frowning and hear them asking themselves if that's the right word to use. It's almost like they feel uncomfortable to be able to enjoy such a sad occasion.
And when I chat a little further with them, enjoying the funeral was all about:
- Hearing about the deceased in a way that was true to them - " was John through and through...."
- Knowing that the funeral was taken in a way, that the person themselves would have loved.
- Providing an emotive experience from start to finish - "......I enjoyed every minute of it........."
- Learning something new about the person they've lost.
So I think it's OK to enjoy a funeral! It doesn't mean we're roaring around with laughter. It means that in a silent and personal way, mourners are individually finding connections that mean something to them, that they will forever remember. It just so happens that in the context of a funeral - that's described as enjoyment!
So let's not feel humble or guilty at enjoying funerals - however that gets interpreted!
If we've helped someone to remember a great emphasise memories that get embedded deep inside.........and to walk away feeling warm, settled and at ease - then that'a funeral well done in my mind!