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Thursday, 4 August 2011

A 'Frequently Asked Question' about funeral celebrants!

A question that comes to me time and time again, is how a family would know where to look to source a Civil Funeral Celebrant if they needed one?

Let's think about it for a moment!

If you lose someone close to you and are responsible for arranging the funeral service, then the last think on your mind is start 'googling' who can take the service. You may already know that you don't want a deeply religious service - and that in itself is a great starting point!

But rest assured that those who work in the funeral industry and who you will be in touch with, will be able to navigate you to the right person. So here are some ideas about how to find that elusive funeral celebrant who can deliver a service and ceremony in exactly the way you want.

  • Most if not all Funeral Directors, have lists of professionally trained civil funeral celebrants that are contactable at the touch of a button. They can call the celebrant for you and check out their availability.
  • Check out your local councils as some employ celebrants that you might meet when you register the death.
  • If you are caring for someone who is terminally ill, on long term palliative care, or who is clear about the kind of funeral they are looking for after their own passing - you do on this occasion have time to start 'googling' for the ideal celebrant. Two excellent websites that lists celebrants across the UK are: www.professionalcelebrants.org.uk and www.funeralcelebrants.org.uk
  • Ask around in your social circle if anyone knows of someone who performs the celebrancy role - you'll be surprised of how many people have connections in this field either because they know someone personally or they've been to one of their services.
  • If you find a celebrant but feel that they might be too far away geographically, don't let this put you off talking with them. Some Celebrants will travel and even if they cannot do the service for you, chances are they'll have excellent networks and will know someone who can!

So take some peace of mind that whilst you many not know the answer today of how to find a celebrant - they are around at different reference points and working in quite collaborative ways with the funeral industry.

Typically, people don't go looking for a funeral celebrant as they would other services - and that's why as celebrants, we put more energy into making sure our relationships with the funeral industry are robust, solid and seamless.

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