I remember once reading in the plethora of leadership and management journals, about one particular individual’s view that leaders should always ‘be up to something interesting’. I remember at the time that it stopped and made me think. After pondering for some time, I tended to agree with the statement.
I believe now that whatever we ascribe to the definition of leadership, I would argue that we are all leaders of some make, if only leaders of our own destinies. Therefore by this definition alone, we should all be up to something interesting!
And as the threat of unemployment looms for many in the public sector over the next 12-24 months, the challenge to be ‘up to something interesting’ will just be too much. But it will be this positive frame and outlook which will give people the edge for future gainful employment. After all, would you employ someone or want to work with someone who has nothing different or interesting to say?
And so I write this blog now because a very dear friend asked me this week – ‘What are you up to then Renshaw?” My answer was as swift as his curiosity:
• Dibley, my Newfoundland dog had just passed her first stage of the water life saving tests by ‘rescuing’ me from a lake.
• We were just back from a week in Somerset where I found out to my surprise that all businesses only deal in cash at the tills!
• I’d had an amazing night at the theatre with my Mum seeing The Sound of Music.
Now of course none of this was work related – and oh how he had expected something about contracts, clients and climate! But our conversation had lasted longer. We both shared some personal experiences that none of us had known about the other before……..and of course we smiled and laughed together. We also found out how better we could work together in the future!
So where ever you are right now – do you have your answer ready?
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