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Wednesday, 21 November 2012

What makes for a 'bad' funeral Celebrant?

Now you will have to excuse this little blog!

It's written for professionals in the funeral industry and  questions the description of 'good' and 'bad' Funeral Celebrants.  It might not be your cup of tea.................it might not be up your street.........but it's something I've been mulling over recently.  You'll find it in the attached link.


My thanks go to Charles Cowling, author of The Good Funeral Guide, for including this in his blog...............and for his witty decision to attach a picture of Rowan Atkinson!


Monday, 12 November 2012

Inspiring.......original......heart-breaking.....Let me introduce my Guest Blogger and her charity!

I'm delighted to bring you a guest blog this week from a most inspiring young lady by the name of Naomi Thomas. 

Naomi is the founder of a wonderful charity that helps to give terminally ill people, the wedding of their dreams:-

The Wedding Wishing Well Foundation www.weddingwishingwell.org.uk

I invited Naomi to tell us more about her charity, more about herself and more about what she needs to turn her goals into reality. 

Before you dip into this blog - grab a coffee.........make sure you're not in a rush anywhere.........and then ask yourself one simple question............how can I help?


Who kick-started the charity and why?

At the end of 2011, I was busy organising a fundraising event in the town I grew up in, for 3 cancer charities.  I do a lot of work for cancer charities as I have secondary Breast Cancer which means I will not survive.

The local paper were running stories about me in the run up to the event and they briefly touched on the fact that my partner and I desperately wanted to marry, but because of cancer, couldn't afford to.  After the story ran, a local wedding planner got in touch and offered to try and make our wedding happen for as little money as possible.

This got me thinking.  I worked as a wedding planner myself before my diagnosis and I wanted to help other people in my situations, to have the wedding of their dreams, just like ours was turning into.  

On 6th June 2012, I married the love of my life at St Audries Park in Somerset, in front of all our family and friends.  The Wedding Wishing Well Foundation was by then, in full flow! 

What's your biggest success to date?

The charity is still in its very early days, with our first wedding happening on 8th December.  However, we're very proud of the fact that Mary King, the Olympic Equestrian Silver Medallist, has accepted our invitation to be our patron.

What do you need more of?

Funds is a big one for us!  There are many things that we can source for free, but often we need to pay for food, petrol expenses for suppliers etc, and these are the things that actually make the weddings happen.  We'd also love to hear from any suppliers who'd be willing to offer their services to help our couples. 

We accept second hand wedding dresses, shoes, tiaras - anything wedding related really that we can re-use.  Our website gives information of all the ways that money can be raised for us, many of them won't even cost you a penny!

What's surprised you about your journey so far?

I've been surprised how generous people are, even when we're in a recession.  It's really restored my faith in the world.  Helping these couples is a chance to give something back for everyone.

If you had a crystal ball, what's the best thing you can see in it that could happen to the charity?

For us to still be doing what we're doing in 10 years time..............helping as many people as we possibly can.  And the most important thing of all for me...........is to still be here to see it happen.

This is just one of those concepts that gets me right there! 
It's original.  It's heart-breaking.  But it really can make a difference - and for me, if a charity can hit that button, then it deserves all the help it can get.
A huge thank you to Naomi for sharing her thoughts here............and all our good wishes for the success of the charity......and her own well being.
Carole Renshaw
Civil Celebrant
